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How would I find all RTC projects and each projects Administrators using the REST API

Richard Kissel (30717) | asked Jun 14 '16, 3:44 p.m.

I would like to get a list of all Administrators for each of my RTC Projects using the REST API.

2 answers

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Richard Kissel (30717) | answered Jun 24 '16, 6:14 p.m.
After Much searching I believe I have found the answer. The below gave me a list of all the projects both Active and Archived and a list of all the Admins on each project both Active and Archived.


Donald Nong commented Jun 26 '16, 8:09 p.m.

Oh wow! Well done! I've never thought about using the "generic" resource.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 14 '16, 9:07 p.m.
 As far as I know, only the OSLC API reveal this information. The URL looks like
https://clm:9443/ccm/process/project-areas/<project area itemId/UUID>/admins

You can follow the usual OSLC discovery chain starting with https://clm:9443/ccm/rootservices to find out this URL, or you can include the "itemId" attribute for "projectArea" in the REST URL that you use (mentioned in another post) and then plug its value into the above URL.

Richard Kissel commented Jun 15 '16, 11:35 a.m.

The real issue I have is that I have overĀ 1,143 CLM Projects. I was hoping that I did not have to enter the specific project but instead get a list of the projects and then for each project get a list of the Admins on the project. I will look into the above, thanks for your assistance.

Richard Kissel commented Jun 24 '16, 6:13 p.m.

After Much searching I believe I have found the answer. The below gave me a list of all the projects both Active and Archived and a list of all the Admins on each project both Active and Archived.


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