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RRDi not returning defined Link types

Glenn Watkins (88347) | asked Apr 05 '16, 3:05 a.m.
 Good Morning

We are using RTC 5.0 and RRDi 10.2.1

I am using the ODS (Request) package

I am creating a report that needs to return work item of type "X" (Request) and then it's Linked work items of link type "Related". (Request Related Requests (By Relational Link))
While testing the report I realized the report was not returning all records although the information was correctly defined in RTC.
The result I found is in instances where a work item had been copied from another work item the defined link type in the data base is '' despite there been a "Related" link type defined in RTC and these records were not reflecting in the report.

I took the filter out the report so that it would return all link types associated with work item "X", and then the report reflected the record with the only link type as been ""

I attempted using the Request Related Request package and got the same results.

The report is a simple report without joins and cardinalities been defined (single query).

Can someone assist with this please.

Kind Regards
Glenn Watkins

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