DNG LQE Authentication
I am trying to execute a SPARQL query from my java application. I have authenticated to the DNG server using the post call to the URL https://serever:port/jts/j_security_check. I am able to fetch artifacts from DNG. Now I wanted to connect to LQE but getting 401 error. I read some where we need to give the redirect ul as a header. How can i get the url
2 answers
Hi, Are you using the sample code that uses version as a parameter for method:
sendGetForSecureDocument(String serverURI, HttpGet request, String login, String password, HttpClient httpClient, String jtsURI, float version), if so try by passing 4.0f as version when logging to LQE.
sendGetForSecureDocument(String serverURI, HttpGet request, String login, String password, HttpClient httpClient, String jtsURI, float version), if so try by passing 4.0f as version when logging to LQE.
I dont have a sample code with me. My code is authenticating and fetchinf data from DNG , but giving 401 with LQE https://ser.dng.com is the dng basic url and https://ser.dng.com/lqe is the lqe
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized [Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 05:05:13 GMT, X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.0, X-jazz-web-oauth-url: https://ser.dng.com/jts/oauth-authorize?request_token_secret=QzHrQHbUhg2EsjhloF48zvDIi6Ckkd,asBDmF3LH3auJo&oauth_token=b5a44f61d0a7b4d7f813547ccjif171136e, WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="https://ser.dng.com/lqe", Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=99, Connection: Keep-Alive, Transfer-Encoding: chunked, Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8, Content-Language: en-US]. I am gettign a 200 ok response on the get call to X-jazz-web-oauth-url
In the OSLC Workshop ( https://jazz.net/library/article/635 ) there is sample code ( RM sample 04 ) that authenticate with Rm which has been successfully used to authenticate with lqe.