Customer has a handful of fields that are deprecated - they are type "small string" and were used as a means of storing information for multi-select enumerations. We want to copy the data that resides in those fields to some new fields that will be of type Enumeration List.
The new fields have been defined and are of type Enumeration List.
When trying to import the values from the "old" (i.e. deprecated) fields to the new fields, we get the following results :
Result 1 - If there is only one value that had been selected when using the old field, the value shows as being selected in the new field. So that is good.
Result 2 - BUT when trying to import when multiple values have been selected when using the old field, NONE of the values import.
I found some old instructions that involved creating and editing a mapping file for use in the import process. The instructions are specifically for importing into a field of type Enumeration List. But I cannot get that to work.
Has anybody successfully perform such a migration ? Here is the documentation I have tried to use.
We are at RTC v6.01