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Is there a REST API command that will list deleted items in Requirements Management?

Rudy Holthuis (12) | asked Mar 24 '16, 5:45 p.m.

We are using REST API to pull artifact information from Requirements Management in Rational and need to pull data that will list deleted artifacts.  In RTC we can easily get a list of Deleted items, as per this example :*  but we have NOT been able to find such a REST command for Requirements Management.

 Is there a way of doing this?  The only way we are currently doing it is to run a lengthy rest command to pull all of the artifacts and then compare the list to a previous one.  If there is a query or filter in Doors Next Gen that we can use to pull a listing of deleted items that would definitely assist us.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 25 '16, 2:26 a.m.
I don't think the RDNG reportable REST API will reveal the deleted artifacts. That's because in RDNG, when you delete an artifact, it's gone for good. There will be no trace of it at all, and there is no way to recover it. Think of it as a "hard delete" rather than a "soft delete", if you would.

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