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Question about baseline and workspaces.

Marinept Villalobos (472131) | asked Mar 21 '16, 8:33 a.m.

We are looking for a solution to have a single baseline with files from different servers/folders.

Is there a way to have in one workspace, files from different routes integrated into one? Then merge them into one baseline? 
Another question is if I can load only a Change Set from a single Baseline?

RTC Version is 5.0.2

Thanks and Regards.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 21 '16, 9:59 a.m.
edited Mar 21 '16, 10:03 a.m.
In general a baseline is a specific configuration of a RTC component. If the component contains folders and files inside these folders your baseline covers that.

What do you mean with a baseline with files from different servers?
What do you mean with "Is there a way to have in one workspace, files from different routes integrated into one? Then merge them into one baseline?"

What is the use case? What do you want to achieve? Finally a file is a file wherever the file came from. A component in RTC usually ultimately represents a folder with sub folder and file structure.

Marinept Villalobos commented Mar 21 '16, 11:01 a.m.

I'm asking this because in our company there are a lot of applications that are implemented in different servers/routes.

What they want is to use RTC to create a baseline directly from the productive environment to keep the correct version with a single workspace.

Also they want to deliver only the current changeset and merge it to a baseline, so that when someone is going to install it on the productive server, that person would just load certain objects into their workspace, instead of all the files.

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