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RQM- JunitSelenium Adapter "classnotfoundexception"

Maheswari P (31) | asked Mar 17 '16, 2:29 p.m.

With RQM integerated with JUnitSelenium via adapter I hit with a classnotfound exception
Steps followed :
1. Set the class path in the "Test script" to the bin folder of the project where the Junit test classes exist
   So the path :C:/Junit/Junit.jar;C:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\IBM\rationalsdp\workspace_Build\JUnitSelenInteg\bin;.

2. Set the Test calss for the test script to the file to be executed
3. with the adapter coonected and when I execute I get the following msg in the adapter console

Failed to read serialized JUnit report object: null  Execution result will not contain step results for individual JUnit tests.
4. In the RQM window I get the script to be errored with classnotfoundexception

Pls help

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Vijay Patil (4813) | answered Mar 24 '16, 10:14 a.m.
Hi Maheswari P,

Please provide the Test Class name as - TestHelloWorld
It should be the name of the class file and not the complete path of the file.

Vijay Patil

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