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can anyone tell me that is Windows 10 Pro is compatible with RTC 6.0.1?

Sidra Tariq (1324) | asked Mar 10 '16, 4:31 a.m.
I have successfully installed RTC 6.0.1 in Windows 10Pro but server is not starting whenever i click on C:\IBM\Server\server.start.bat, it doesn't successfully start. 
or i open the click https:localhost:9443/jts/setup, it display message. "unable to connect to server"
can anyone help me in this regard?

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Zeeshan Choudhry (6541612) | answered Mar 10 '16, 5:34 a.m.
run the server.start.bat from the administrator command prompt or run this script as Run as administrator.
If you have installed it in the Program Files folder , this cause the server not run due to no write ability in that directory when running as general access user. (Read only)

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Rohit Balduwa (945511) | answered Mar 10 '16, 4:40 a.m.
Hi Sidra

Windows 10 Pro( 32bit, 64bit) and Windows 10 Enterprise edition is not compatible with the CLM server 6.0.1.
You can follow the system requirements for CLM6.0.1 and verify the compatibility:
compatibility Report for Windows and CLM6.0.1

Click on View and navigate to Components tab.

Please install CLM server on a supported Windows OS.

If this answers your question please mark it as accepted.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 10 '16, 4:43 a.m.
If the server does not start, I don't think you have successfully installed it.

Windows 10 is, for all I can tell, a client operating system. Similar to Windows 7 I would assume that Windows 10 is not a supported operating system to run a CLM server. Similar to Windows 7 I would assume that you can install and run a CLM server for tests. I have not tried this however.

If you do, here some general hints:
1. Don't install into Program Files. The folder has special protection against creation of folders which happens if you run the server and, unless you run "As Administrator" explicitly will cause the server  not to start.
2. Except for tests, it is not feasible to install every application on one machine. If you do, the memory required to run the applications can cause problems and have impact on the start up time and performance.

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