Acessing TC in Rational Quality Manager using c#
Hi i am really new to this area. I need to retrieve all the test case from RQM using c#. After some research i found that its possible through OSLC and REST API. But i couldn't find any sample resource for both the API. Is there any sample or tutorial for retreving data from RQM using c# by rest API
One answer
Java utilitiesHi Arshad,
You have two options:
RQM Reportable REST API
I would suggest the RQM Reportable REST API since it supports more resource types (see
Although there are not samples, you should start with the Common Usage Scenarios, using a HTTP client such as HTTP Requester. Once you are comfortable with using the RQM Reportable REST API, you can use the C# HTTP libraries to invoke the RQM Reportable REST API.
Note, there are several Java utilities, including source code, that you can use/refactor.
You have two options:
RQM Reportable REST API
I would suggest the RQM Reportable REST API since it supports more resource types (see
Although there are not samples, you should start with the Common Usage Scenarios, using a HTTP client such as HTTP Requester. Once you are comfortable with using the RQM Reportable REST API, you can use the C# HTTP libraries to invoke the RQM Reportable REST API.
Note, there are several Java utilities, including source code, that you can use/refactor.