RQM 4.0.6 database

does anyone know the tables to query the backend database directly without the RQM interface?
how to build query (ies) that access/by pass the standard RQM user interface to get the test case main attributes (summary, description, test design, etc..., test scripts, keywork, etc.. links, etc... )
where are the table names? attributes?
One answer

RQM does not publish the database schemas or support querying the database directly. Your only two options are the RQM OSLC API and/or RQM Reportable REST API.
Donald Nong
Mar 02 '16, 8:06 p.m.There are APIs for this. What's the purpose of querying the data directly?
Mohamed Samatar
Mar 03 '16, 5:11 p.m.this url contains information about the RQMAPI. I was looking the tables structure.
Donald Nong
Mar 03 '16, 6:46 p.m.If the APIs can do what you're trying to do, why insist on knowing the table structure? As Paul said, the database schema is not published.