What custom RTC fields are available in the data warehouse?

I know that some field types, such as the "List" types, are not brought to the data warehouse by the DCC jobs. I'm not sure about the "HTML" fields. Is there a full list available of which field types are reportable and which to avoid if you'd like to use them for reporting?
3 answers

Custom HTML attributes are available in the data warehouse.

I'm familiar with the data warehouse tables, but it's not always obvious as to which field types populate which tables. You said "Custom HTML attributes are available" but how do I know where that data goes? Do I assume it goes in the REQUEST_STRING_L_EXT
table, along with the Large String attributes? It would be nice if this was clarified.

to my knowledge there isn't a list like this (would be nice to have).
The closest resource I can think of is the data dictionary:
Custom Attribute
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

I did check the data dictionary to see if it had anything on the topic, however since these are custom attributes they wouldn't be found.

Hello Jackie,
sorry I pasted the wrong link (now corrected).
The Custom Attribute page of the data dictionary gives a hint to which DW tables correspond the RTC custom attribute.
I'm not sure however if it's a complete list.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi