Is there a unique identifier for artefacts in RTC that can be used.
Accepted answer
the key here is whether you refer to unique human readable identifier or just unique identifier. Each item in a jazz repository (especially files and file versions) have a UUID (a globally unique identifier). If you use a web client to browse to a file item you will see it in the URL. In Eclipse if you load a file in a workspace and open its properties you will find the UUIDs under Properties > Jazz SCM > Show UUIDs.
They look like this:
In RTC 5.0 human readable IDs have been introduced for SCM versioned content, with some restrictions as to how unique they are:
They look like this:
If any of these IDs fit the bill of want you want to achieve please mark this answer as accepted.
- Arne
2 other answers
If you store the documents in scm, you could create a custom attribute for files (needs rtc 6.0.1) that stores a unique ID that you can freely define.
I am not aware (but I may just not know :-)) that there is a dedicated uniue ID you can access for a file inside SCM.