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RQMCopyUtil: How to copy approved test plans?

Jörg Werner (3033881) | asked Feb 01 '16, 7:54 a.m.

I use the RQMCopyUtil to copy test plans with test case and test scripts.
When the test plan has the status "Approved" I get the following error message:
Disallow Saving of Test Plans with State Approved or Retired
I'm not allowed to change the state of the original test plan in production environment.
Is there any possibility to copy such a test plan with RQMCopyUtil?

 thanks , Jörg

Accepted answer

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Chad Meadows (31) | answered Feb 02 '16, 6:50 p.m.
Currently there is no way for the copy utility to bypass the process.
Either the original test plan state would need to change or the process settings for the destination project would need to allow the save, or a user would need to be assigned a role which did not require the process and that user could be used as the user you supply in the copy utility.

Jörg Werner selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Jörg Werner (3033881) | answered Feb 08 '16, 6:56 a.m.

Assign the Role "Database Migration Administrator" to the user who performs the input.

Then certain preconditions like "Disallow Saving of Test Cases with state Approved or Retired" are no longer valid :-)

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