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issue with doors next 6.0.1 extension example when deployed on apache

Luc LeMaitre (1357) | asked Jan 05 '16, 10:03 a.m.

I have installed the 6.0.1 RDNG extension examples on an apache server different of the doors next liberty server.
The widget catalog is OK, but the widgets are not functional. It seems that the css and js files are not interpreted correctly into the wifget (even with the right mime types in apache configuration).

an idea ?


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kenny meng (11) | answered Jan 06 '22, 3:12 a.m.

 I have the same problem under Version 6.0.5. Is there anyone that can offer some advice.Thank  you.

David Honey commented Jan 06 '22, 8:09 a.m.

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