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DNG 6.0 : Update if the folder already in root Folder with same name or create new

Naveen Tyagi (19778152) | asked Oct 05 '15, 4:15 a.m.
edited Oct 05 '15, 4:19 a.m.
I am creating a folder in root Folder of the DNG project using OSLC then using same folder URI i am created some requirements(linked with "Satisfied By" other requirements)  in that folder . now, i at the time of creating folder i want to check if there is already a folder with same name  then :

1) I want to update requirements in that folder, when i say Update it means :
  a) I need to created some new Requirements (I know how to create)
  b) May need to delete some requirements (No idea about OSLC implementation)
  c) may need to updated the requirements properties((mainly requirements Links) which is already in the folder.

Questions :
1.1 ) How to check if folder already there with same name ?
==> I am able to pull out all the folder in project and at the time of creation i can match the name with already existing folder in order to check if already a folder with same name or not. but i am thinking to implement some other better logic if possible.

1.2 ) After folder, i need to do same for requirements inside that folder. I am able to get requirements in a folder but also need to perform Delete Requirements , Create New requirements (Already implemented), and update requirements properties ( mainly  Links in requirements).

Thanking in Advance.

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 07 '15, 2:00 a.m.
I believe you split this question into the below two, which got answered.
Naveen Tyagi selected this answer as the correct answer

Naveen Tyagi commented Oct 07 '15, 2:14 a.m.

Yes, Thanks. First one is clear and done, wondering about second one for the implementation.

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