Whats the scope of putting weight distribution while executing any test case or test suite.

Accepted answer

Hi Humayun,
Weight is different from time. It shows the weight distribution of test result. Overall result may be failed but how much is failed and how much is passed can be found from weight distribution
Weight is different from time. It shows the weight distribution of test result. Overall result may be failed but how much is failed and how much is passed can be found from weight distribution

So it means, If we have a test case having weight 50, and it has a test script contains 5 steps.
Now lets suppose, four steps are passed and one step is failed from test script. so we would mark it as failed, but can distribute weight as 40 to passed and 10 to failed. correct?
Also, TCER is capable of automatically detect the status to failed or passed according to the test script steps status?
In other words, If we talk about above test case example, Is the test case status automatically picked passed or failed based on weight distribution?

Yes Humayun you have understood it correct

If we talk about above test case example, Is the test case status automatically picked passed or failed based on weight distribution?
This doesnt work in my case, I have to manually set the test case status. Is there any step i am missing?