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Adding user defined comments field within default sections of Test Plan / Case?

Kiran Byrappa (1124) | asked Dec 21 '15, 8:39 a.m.
 In RQM is there a provision to add user defined comments field within the default sections of Test case / Test Plan?

For example:

Under Test Plan we have various sections like:

- Test Case Design
- Pre-Condition etc

User would like to have a 'Comments' field under each of these sections.

Alternatively, is there a way we can add custom section and fields pertaining to Test Case / Test Plan. 

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paul chu (59411) | answered Dec 21 '15, 9:58 a.m.
There is no support to customize the fields within the predefined editor sections.  The users can create user defined sections though through the "Manage Sections" action link in the editor.  Only rich text or table/grid type sections are supported.  The user defined sections can be added to the artifact template so well.  It can be a workaround to add a "Test Case Design Comment" rich text section right after the "Test Case Design" section.

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