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Are there any negative effects from renaming an RTC project?

Accepted answer

Changing Project or Team Area Names
Normally names of objects in RTC/QM are mutable (i.e. user with authority can change). However, there can be temporary unwanted side effects.
- User's bookmarks that have the old project name will be broken and will give "access errors"
- Reporting may show empty lists for report parameters
- Charts will be blank until the historical data jobs run at their scheduled execution time
The run of certain data warehouse jobs will correct the 2nd item, but the first may be more insidious as one has no control over what URI get added to any user's collection of bookmarks.
One other answer

It is possible that custom clients might be using the project area name to lookup the project for connection. For example, I maintain a client that is an intermediary between a custom database and an RTC project. The configuration of the client uses the project name, not the UUID.
Basically, changing the name is relatively safe and most interactions won't be disturbed.

Like Kevin writes, the links between artefacts are safe from change.
But all URL's used (not only in bookmarks) will not work anymore.
Our projects are using the URL's in many places e.g. widgets, documents, emails etc.. For example to reference plans/views/queries/Dashboard Tabs/reports etc..
All this will not work anymore when PA is renamed.
Unfortunately there is nothing like PERMALINK available in RTC. DoorsNext has this concept and there you have a PERMALINK button in the breadcrumb!
So in our case of heavy using RTC such a change is very SEVERE and not relatively safe.

Kevin, thanks for your answer. I have been testing it out in our sandbox area and haven't found any issues, but wanted to check in case somebody else knew of problems down the road.
Guido, I understand if there are emails or documents that reference that project, but what widgets have problems with this project name change? I am not seeing any issues at all with the widgets on our dashboards when we tested this in our sandbox area.