Do the Word and Excel importers work with migrating Test Cases into new deployment of 6,0 CLM?
This subject seems to stop at version 4.0.x, with warnings that the importer versions do not work with other versions of /qm, even though it's showing up as part of "upcoming" documentation.
Migrating files into Rational Quality Manager
About this task
Am I missing finding a solution for importing Word and Excel based Test Cases into a new deployment of CLM, or is this the path?
One answer
6.0 Importer may have problem in importing requirements or link requirements to test artifacts. If you only concern on test cases, it should be ok.
I cannot find any reference to a v6.0 importer. Everything seems to stop at 4.0.6
anyone have experience with using v4.0.6 importer with 6.0? Really just interested in importing Test Cases at this point.
As noted by Don, you need to use 6.0 version of the Excel/Word Import tool if you want to import to a 6.0 version of QM
The 6.0 version of the import tool can be found here: → Products → Quality Manager → Downloads→ Rational Quality Manager 6.0 → All Downloads tab → Extra's :
There will be a Read Me that is included in the archive file for the 6.0 version
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