RQM Excel/Word Importer: Images in Pre-Condition of test cases not imported
I tried to import preparation instructions to the Pre-Condition section of the test case (instead the first testscript step).
In the configuration file I have the following line:
testcase.Section("myns:com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCasePreCondition","RQM-KEY-TC-PRE-COND-TITLE")=H & image(I)
The text is imported, but not the image!
Is this a bug? or is the image() function not supported for this field?
The same information can be imported to testscript step description: testscript.steps.description=J & image(K)
Accepted answer
There is an existing enhancement request in regards to this issue
image not imported inside rich text section of Test Case using RQMExcelImporter 4.0.3