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OSLC query to fetch list of workitem types in RQM

Sanjeet Pattnaik (1515) | asked Jun 19 '18, 9:40 a.m.

 Can anyone help me with the OSLC query that can be used to get the list of workitem types possible in RQM.

For instance, in order to fetch the workitem types in RTC the query is,

Query : https://<DNS>/ccm/oslc/types/<Context_Id>
Xpath : //rtc_cm:Type/dcterms:title  Or  //rtc_cm:Type/dcterms:identifier

So, is there a similar query in RQM as well?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 25 '18, 6:39 a.m.

Hi Sanjeet, 

RQM does not support work items.  Instead, RQM integrates with OSLC CCM service providers, such as RTC, which support work items.

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