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How do I add a third column to the Details section of a workitem

Bob Ferguson (891544) | asked Nov 10 '15, 7:21 a.m.
I am using RTC 3.0.5 and I am using the Web UI.  I have added multiple customized attributes and have added them to the details section of the default editor presentation.  The problem is that I am limited to two columns.  Is there anyway that I can have a third column.  I also tried to create an addition section in the Details slot, I called it Contact Info.  The problem here is that the section is displayed after all of the other slots (e.g Details, Description, Discussion and then Customer Info) I cannot make Customer Info display after Details.  Note:  In the editor presentation the Customer Info section follows the Details section in the Details slot.

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 10 '15, 12:04 p.m.
As you've found out already, the behavior of the slots and layouts isn't always clear or as you would expect.

there is no dock on creating layouts, and the fact that some product code depends on specific labels, features and behavior makes it even less enticing to try making your own.
Bob Ferguson selected this answer as the correct answer

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