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HTTP Status Code 410(GONE) when trying to retrieve artifact through REST Client (OLSC API)

API-DEV User (2126) | asked Nov 15 '18, 4:09 p.m.
edited Nov 15 '18, 4:51 p.m.

I have a few questions that may be related to the same issue:

I currently have a bunch of requirements that are in a global configuration that are within a change set, the change set has not been delivered. 

I am using the OSLC API to try and retrieve these artifacts: 
when i run this query, I return every artifact within the module:"

Which is great but I only need a specific set of modules within a folder, I used the Folder Query to find the corresponding folder that the requirements are in and run a Query using the folder as the parent I get a GONE.ERROR. from the server.

So to investigate further, I went into DNG and navigated to the folder with the requirements, got the URL and posted into my REST client, which returned, a list of all the artifacts with the following structure:
when I copy that URI into the REST Client I get a 410 (GONE)

Has anyone else received a gone status code?  Could it somehow be related to the change set not being delivered? 

One answer

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Benjamin Röhl (1671424) | answered Nov 21 '18, 11:37 a.m.
It looks like you have missed the configuration context when doing the GET request for this particular artifact's URI.

You need to set the HTTP header "Configuration-Context:"
or append the URL query "oslc_config.context=".

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