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IBM Code Review Tool Supports DNG or RQM ?

vijayakumar ramesh (1173862) | asked Jan 23 '20, 7:09 a.m.
edited Jan 23 '20, 7:56 a.m.
 Is it Code review can be used only for RTC source code ? can it be configured for DNG or RQM?
Are there plans to enhance features of this tool ?
Is it possible to configure few more categories like Must Fix , Resolved etc Review

2 answers

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Stefan Oblinger (185213) | answered Jan 24 '20, 12:25 p.m.
edited Jan 24 '20, 12:27 p.m.

Yes, RTC Code Review is only for source code in RTC-SCM. DNG has it's own review feature. I am not aware of such feature for RQM.

There are plans to enhance the Review capability across all applications. See topic "2 Modernization Update" in the recent Webinar IBM Engineering Insider Series: IBM ELM v7.0 Strategy & Overview.


David Lafreniere commented Jan 29 '20, 9:57 a.m. | edited Jan 29 '20, 10:01 a.m.
To answer your second question: "Is it possible to configure few more categories like Must Fix , Resolved etc.?"

There is no way to add new 'UI' elements to the Issue dialog. The intent was to keep issues simple and lightweight. However you can still achieve what you want via the use of 'tags'. The project administrator will first have to customize what tags are available in the Project Configuration page of the web UI.
For example if you want to have a concept of an issue being 'verified' by the reviewer after the issue is resolved by the author, you can add a 'verified' tag; that way the reviewer can apply this tag after they confirmed the issue is fixed (the 'navigator' pane in Code Review also lets you filter issues by tag, so you can easily find which issues have NOT been tagged as 'verified' for example)

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Chidambaram L (23414284) | answered Mar 15 '20, 6:20 a.m.

In DNG 6.0 & above, Compare Baseline in GC Context is the equivalent feature for RTC Code Review. This is like a document comparison. though this feature will not have a workflow in DNG. Review workflow can be configured with the Review process in DNG.

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