Rational Engineering life cycle manager getting started
Accepted answer
Hi Shinji,
I created a artifact in DNG (created a requirement), after waiting for couple of hours I tried searching this artifact in RELM but I am unable to find this artifact, It has been now 2 days this artifact was created in DNG but still this artifact is not getting reflected in RELM.
I also re-indexed the data-sources in LQE, but still Artifact is not reflecting.
What may be the problem.....?
Thank you,
Kunal N
Hello Kunal,
1 vote
Thanks a lot Shinji for all your help....
I will open a new thread with DNG topic....
Thank you,
5 other answers
Thank you Shinji, I have configured datasource for LQE and now i am able to pull artifacts in RELM views.
Hi Shinji,
I am new to RELM and trying to explore features of RELM, I have got the data in RELM from CCM,QM,RM. I have also deployed predefined views using which i can display data. I would like to know do we have any user manual available for relm.
I want to create impact analysis diagram in RELM which would show changes between artifacts at run time.
Thank you,
Kunal N
Thank you Shinji....
I have a following scenario:
I have requirements linked with testcases from QM and also requirement is implemented by a work item in RTC.
Now when I do impact analysis for this requirement through RELM: I select this requirement artifact as focus artifact and then it shows me all the links related to this requirement now if I make changes in RTC workitem can RELM impact analysis diagram show me the impact run-time.