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Why would a baseline disappear from a workspace's outgoing pending changes when incoming changes are accepted?

Martin McAuley (1721633) | asked Dec 04 '15, 4:43 a.m.
Two outgoing baselines disappeared from a workspace's outgoing changes section when an incoming changeset was accepted.

Originally the workspace had been synced with a stream, then its flow target was changed to another stream that showed incoming conflicts needing merging. Before merging a pre-merge baseline was created in the workspace, the incoming changes were accepted and merged, and finally a post-merge baseline was created. The workspace's flow target was then set back to the original first stream. At this point a new non-conflicting incoming change was seen, having been delivered by another user after the workspace had been originally synced with the stream. The workspace as expected was also showing the outgoing pre-merge and post-merge baselines that had been created previously. However on accepting the incoming changeset the two outgoing baselines disappeared from the outgoing section, which then just showed the outgoing changesets that had originally been under the post-merge baseline.

Martin McAuley commented Dec 04 '15, 4:44 a.m.

Forgot to mention - we have been unable to reproduce this problem.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 05 '15, 1:41 a.m.
This is expected behavior if a baseline is accepted from the stream, but is not expected behavior if only change sets are accepted from the stream.   In particular, if a baseline is accepted from the stream, and the workspace contains change sets that are not in the baseline, then during the accept operation, the change sets of the workspace are reordered so that the change sets that do not exist in the baseline are ordered after the change sets that exist in the baseline.   In case there originally was an outgoing baseline in the workspace, and that baseline contained change sets that do not exist in the stream, then this effectively removes that baseline from the workspace, and therefore the baseline disappears from the outgoing folder of the workspace.

Martin McAuley commented Dec 07 '15, 4:39 a.m.

Thanks - so I think we must have seen a bug as there were was no incoming baseline only 2 incoming change sets. Regarding the expected behaviour, where an incoming baseline causes an outgoing baseline to disappear, the disappeared baseline still shows directly on the component, however because it has disappeared from the workspace it is necessary to create it again to deliver to the stream, resulting in 2 baselines with the same name on the component. This is very confusing behaviour.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Dec 07 '15, 6:57 p.m.

The disappearing baseline has different content than the new one (in particular, the disappearing baseline will not have the change sets that you just accepted from the stream).   So you should be giving the new baseline a different name anyway.

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