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How to change the default configuration, e.g. in DOORS NG, to a global configuration baseline / stream?

Markus Breunig (1513) | asked Nov 30 '15, 1:22 a.m.

We have introduced the GCM to our Jazz 6.0.0 project and enabled the CM-feature of all application we are using. While introducing it, we find out, that for application without CM support, the default configuration is important. As much as we understand, applications without CM support getting access to the default configuration while requesting data via OSLC.

 Also for supporting 3rd party tools, not supporting the (draft) OSLC CfgM standard, the default configuration is important. We have found some information about the definition of the default configuration, e.g. in DOORS NG, but we haven’t found any information on how to change the default configuration to a different configuration available e.g. in DOORS NG.

 We see the need to select baselines / streams from the global configuration as a default configuration to make sure the linked data information to other OSLC linked data is available.

How is it possible to change the default configuration of DOORS NG to a global configuration baseline or stream?

Accepted answer

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ian green (17814) | answered Dec 02 '15, 7:21 p.m.
In DNG it is not possible to change the default configuration. It is always fixed to the initial stream of the project.

I understand the ramifications that this has for your integrations with non-configuration-aware applications.  Can you elaborate on your environment - which applications would you like to see integrating in the way you describe?


Markus Breunig selected this answer as the correct answer

Markus Breunig commented Mar 15 '16, 5:16 a.m.

Thanks Ian,

the application we are using is pure::variants - we like to access the DNG requirements via OSLC.


ian green commented Mar 15 '16, 6:47 a.m.

DNG does allow creation of links to "non-CM" applications.  There are three sorts of application from a CM point of view:

- "opt-out": Configuration-Context is ignored - all requests are handled in the one-and-only configuration.

 - "opt-in": Configuration-Context is respected.  Versioned resources are selected based on any supplied context.  The default configuration is used when no context is supplied.

- "compatible".  Configuration-Context is ignored because that application's resources are not affected by context.  Eg, they don't support branches, or versioning.

If the 3rd party tool(s) you mention in the OP can be made "compatible", then linking can be done and is supported, without needing a "default" configuration.  I can explain further if that would help.

One other answer

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Srinivas Mandava (15815) | answered Nov 30 '15, 10:21 p.m.
 There  are multiple things to be noted here.
Projects that are not enabled for configurations will have a default configuration created
Projects that are enabled for global configurations will have an initial configuration created.Now ,linking between different applications depends on how you have created a GC configuration and what individual configurations lie in that GC container.Linking between applications between those streams is only possible if they are part of one GC stream.Linking between a project that is enabled for GC and that is not enabled for GC is not possible.

To answer your question, we can change the current configuration/default configuration to a GC configuration or stream or baseline using switch configuration.

Different users might work on different streams and the last logged in configuration is shown as default for the user the next time user logs into the application.

For more information on current configuration, please follow the below link

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