oslc_rm:uses not working for modules in DOORS Next Generation 5.0.0
I created a simple Text artifact 'MyArtifact' in DNG. The URL of the artifact :
I added this artifact to a module 'MyModule'. The Module Artifact URL of 'MyArtifact' : through browser URL as well by fetching module through OSLC and using the getUses API.)
Now I want to query for all the modules that contain 'MyArtifact'. I have gone through the article at https://jazz.net/library/article/1197 and accordingly formed the query as follows :<http://open-services.net/ns/rm%23>&oslc.select=*&oslc.where=oslc_rm:uses=<>
I have also tried the following query<http://open-services.net/ns/rm%23>&oslc.select=*&oslc.where=oslc_rm:uses=<>
oslc_rm:uses works fine if I add artifact to a collection. But does not fetch the modules which contain the artifact.
Is there something that I am doing wrong?
Are there any other alternatives to oslc_rm:uses?