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Jazz's QM validity/contentHash Error

Saqib Niaz (711223) | asked Jun 22 '16, 8:33 a.m.
We have developed a configuration-enabled RM provider.
I can add a Requirement from my provider to Jazz/QM/TestCase/RequirementLinks and the test case is saved successfully. But when I add another Requirement in the same test case or when I remove the already added Requirement and then try to save the test case, QM tries to 'Post' some data on our server's url, like https://server:port/appName/validity/contentHash and saving fails. We have not implemented anything to handle this kind of request. And we don't know how to respond with this kind of request.
We have disabled LinkValidity for Jazz's QM in QM's AdvancedProperties and Project's properties.
This error doesn't let us proceed with the system.
QM's version is 6.0.2

Saqib Niaz commented Jun 23 '16, 4:59 a.m.

I am receiving this data when i process the validity/contentHash request.

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