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Query requirements having set no value for (custom) attribute

Benjamin Röhl (1671425) | asked Nov 13 '15, 7:27 a.m.
edited Nov 13 '15, 7:41 a.m.

like the question summary already implies, I have a custom attribute defined for my requirements.
I would like to get all requirements that have set no value for this attribute in a requirement.
Therefor I build the following OSLC query:

(The {project-area-url} is replaced for simplification. Each query parameter will be url-encoded for the request)

As you can see I check the custom attributes value if that is unequal to an empty string.

The issue:
Executing the query request returns all requirements containing even requirements having set the attribute value to empty string.

The question:
May I have defined the query incorrectly or does Doors NG behave not correctly?

Kind Regards

Benjamin Röhl commented Nov 13 '15, 7:42 a.m. | edited Nov 13 '15, 7:44 a.m.

That is the correct prefix of the above query parameter:


(It gets somehow destroyed by the editor. Couldn't fix it right there )

Gabriel Ruelas commented Nov 13 '15, 7:59 a.m.

Hi, which RDNG version are you using? best regards.

Benjamin Röhl commented Nov 13 '15, 8:04 a.m.

Sorry missing this, it's Doors NG 6.0.0.
I also have the configuration management enabled for this project. Thus I add the Configuration-Context header. But I think it should not relate to this issue, just mentioning.

Donald Nong commented Nov 15 '15, 7:30 p.m.

I tested with RDNG 5.0.2 and could see similar results. If I set the sole "oslc.where" parameter to 'property=""', I got 0 result. But if I changed it to 'property!=""', I got all requirements in the project, including artifacts not having the property as well. RDNG definitely has some serious problems with the "!=" operator. I believe this is a defect.

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