Adding new test cases into the existing TSER. Is this possible?

Hi ,
I have a test suite consisting of 10 test cases. I have also created a TSER for the same with all the 10 test cases included. Now in the middle of execution I realise i would need to include 2 more test cases to this test suite.
So i would create those test cases and also link them to the test suite. But how do i include them in the TSER that i have already created, without hampering the execution which is already mid way.
I am using RQM 5.0.1
One answer

The TSER is for the test suite, you don't specify what the test cases are. When you started a test suite execution, the instances of the test case executions will be created based on the test cases associated with the test suite. From your description, a test suite execution is already started with 10 test case executions. You can not change the test case executions. If you change the test suite by adding 2 more test cases, you have to re-test all test cases again. Running the same TSER will look into the updated test suite and creates 12 test case executions.