Error finalizing Requirements Management
I've installed CCM and QM without problems, but, after I press the button Finalize Application Setup , in Requirements Management section, the following message appears:
Unable to save the consumer key and secret into the application's database. See details for more information.
Error 500: CRJZS0222E The request requires user authentication.
Can you help me, please?
Best Regards
Accepted answer
Got solution for this error if you are getting the error in finalizing the RM application setup it might be because it fails to register the RM auth key with the JTS you can also see these details in rm.log in JazzTeamServer\server\logs.
solution will be just delete the registered application in the jts/admin/registered application tab and re-registered it from jts/setup.
we have switch the database vendor from derby to DB2 fot CLM 5.0.2 and with this step all data is also reflecting.