GET RQM Test Case and Then POST Test Execution Results
I am still looking at the documentation, but am unable to get a handle on the difference between an executionworkitem and an executionresult in RQM. I am using a GET command to try to get the (either executionworkitem or executionresult) from a test case. When I try to specify the test case (test case 415), I get all the test cases in my RQM. There doesn't seem to be any sample commands that really work for me. I am using RQM 5.0.2 and the RestClient for Firefox. Once I get the right GET command, I think I will be able to update the test execution results.
One answer
executionworkitem is for Test Case Execution Record (TCER) and executionresult is for Test Case Execution Result.
If you want to GET test cases, you can use:
(you need to change server:port to your own ones and RQM1 is the project area alias for your own(same in the below commands):
you can get project area alias from: https://localhost:9443/qm/service/ in a browser)
This will list all test cases within project area RQM1.
If you want to GET specific test case 415, you can run:
I don't think you will see test case execution results in a specific test case. Usually test case results are associated with TCERs. Therefore, you may need to try:
to list all TCERs.
and GET specific TCER(such as TCER 82):
In this result, you will see test case execution results in the GET xml.
You can also GET a specific test case execution result by:
(test case result 64)
Please make sure you have header accept=application/xml in your REST Client.
I hope these help.
Thank you so much for getting me started... I am now trying to craft a PUT command but the error message says Testcase is required for creating TER
The PUT command that I am using is as follows which includes the test case ID, but perhaps not the right way.. Thanks