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How to Backup a DNG project to a file in order to restore on another server

Asaf Kivity (3311016) | asked Oct 26 '15, 6:55 a.m.
I'm looking for a way to perform a complete backup and restore procedure, without touching any database utilities. For people who are familiar with DOORS 9X, it is called Archive and Restore (DPA files).
Taking a template does not take comments and reviews. ReqIf is problematic in other aspects. 

Accepted answer

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Oct 26 '15, 9:35 a.m.

There is no backup procedure for DNG (or CLM in general) that is not going to include a backup/restore of the relational database or Derby files that hold the data.  See for more details. 

Asaf Kivity selected this answer as the correct answer

Asaf Kivity commented Oct 26 '15, 10:23 a.m.

 Thanks Toni. I thought I could have find a workaround for this...

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