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RTC new field not displaying values in Plan View

Glenn Watkins (88347) | asked Oct 23 '15, 2:29 a.m.
 Good Morning

We are using RTC v5.0

I have added a new attribute to a work item, it is a replica of the "Due Date" (Time-stamp based attribute)  field in every way, it displays on the work item fine however it does not bring the values through or allow you to edit it in a plan view. 

Have I neglected a step somewhere?

Kind Regards
Glenn Watkins

Accepted answer

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Oct 23 '15, 4:08 a.m.

Good Morning

New Attributes need to be configured to appear in the plan views:

In Eclipse:  Open your Project Area in he Configuration Data:  Planning > Plan Attributes > Attribute Mapping and add the new attribute.

This should then allow you to add in a plan view.


Matt Muller

Glenn Watkins selected this answer as the correct answer

Glenn Watkins commented Oct 23 '15, 5:09 a.m.

 Hi Matt

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer, really appreciated.

I have done as you explained and all working now.

Kind Regards

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