Branching an eclipse project and jazz
One group of our JAZZ users is using Eclipse as their workbench and they have the RTC pluggins and the current project is under JAZZ source control.
In Jazz they currently have only one main stream. They now need to support a parallel development effort on the exisiting stream/code base as well as on another branch which may become the furture main stream.
On the JAZZ server side, we can create a new stream, seeding from the old. The problem lies on the user workspace side. Within their Eclipse they want access to both the main and branch workspaces (from JAZZ) within the same Eclipse workspace. We tried creating and loading a new jazz sandbox for the branch in their Eclispe (which had the original project loaded and running in their Package Explorer) but it would not load the project. I presume that this is due to an exisitng project being loaded.
In short how to you setup/support parrallel development of Eclipse based projects within the same Eclipse workspace?
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