Attribute Costumization - Calculated values from related work items
I am trying to create a Java Script Provider for calculating the value of a work item attribute in RTC.
The value should be composed from the SUMMARY and the DESCRIPTION of some other work items, related with the current one over "Link".
Is this possible?
I have read the article, where it is said that:
Many Thanks!!!!
Accepted answer
you can not easily access the data of other work items in JavaScript. There is no mechanism available to access relate work items, as far as I can tell.
The only way how you could actually access any data of other work items is using the HTTP based value provider. I don't think that is a practical approach and would discourage that. See Lab 5 for what you can and can not so using scripts.
See for an approach that works and has a reasonable performance as well. It uses a participant java server extension to do something similar to what you intent to do.
Hi ,
I don't open the link" ".
Can you send this example to me? thank you!
Wordpress seems to be blocked in China. Not sure that applies to you.
You can append the string "" to the blog URL and try if it opens then. You can access a mirror image of this site from
In China we have seen is at least accessible through Hong Kong. If that does not work for you contains the code but misses all the explanations.
One other answer
I also don't open the link,
the error "Http 500 interior server error"
I am sorry but I can't persuade China to unblock Workdpress. In China use a personal VPN, Also some companies block Wordpress. Again, not much I can do.
The code is also available in the RTC Extensions Stream (RTC AttributeCustomization component) in the Jazz In Flight project @ JazzHub. The code shows some simple providers as an entry point and some more complex ones to show the potential.