Rational DOORS 9.x to DOORS NG - use-case/function mapping?
Does anyone know where I can download a mapping of functions/use-cases as known in DOORS 9.x to DOORS NG?
eg: Link by Attribute, Drag+Drop to create a link, Drag object or chapter to new location in module, set attribute value for selection/viewset, etc.
This is essential for converting from an existing 9.x user-base to NG but I can't find it.
eg: Link by Attribute, Drag+Drop to create a link, Drag object or chapter to new location in module, set attribute value for selection/viewset, etc.
This is essential for converting from an existing 9.x user-base to NG but I can't find it.
One answer
I am not sure if you are after this document: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/rational-migrate-doors-data-to-doors-next-generation-trs/index.html?cm_mc_uid=36410414050514450077320&cm_mc_sid_50200000=1460365063.