.runwait is no longer available in BF v8?
I have a thread step as the following, but got this error after migrated to v8, then I found it's no longer supported in Java engine: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSB2MV_8.0.0/com.ibm.rational.buildforge.doc/topics/dotcmd_run_and_runwait.html?lang=en
It says use a conditional step instead, but my "Unix-H" is a libray and it needs to inherit all the environment variables from the calling project , how can I launch this library in the command of a conditional step?
8 10/11/15 2:52 PM STEP CRRBF9999I: .runwait '-c "$BANNER_H=y" "Unix-H"'.
9 10/11/15 2:52 PM ERROR CRRBF1280I: Project 'c "y=y' has not been defined.
I tried to use the step inline, but doesn't seem called:
1 10/11/15 9:52 PM STEP CRRBF1600I: Step using selector 'jxn-ms-bforgd01.hbc.com'. 2 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_AGENT_VERSION= 3 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_JOBS=0 4 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LAST_REFRESH=1444614310 5 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LAST_UPDATE=1444614310 6 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LOADRATIO=0.0 7 10/11/15 9:52 PM COND CRRBF9999I: Condition 'true(y eq y)' evaluated to 'true'. 8 10/11/15 9:52 PM MJC CRRBF1594I: Step Run on H Server (491edd710c7310009c66b1ec1859534b) started. 9 10/11/15 9:52 PM EXEC Empty command text for Step 'Run on H Server' (491edd710c7310009c66b1ec1859534b) 10 10/11/15 9:52 PM MJC CRRBF1576I: Run on H Server completed (0)
Why the first step of the inline got cancelled? Even I put a simple echo step, it still got cancelled.
Line Date Type Message1 10/11/15 9:52 PM STEP CRRBF1600I: Step using selector 'jxn-ms-bforgd01.hbc.com'. 2 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_AGENT_VERSION= 3 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_JOBS=4 4 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LAST_REFRESH=1444614310 5 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LAST_UPDATE=1444614310 6 10/11/15 9:52 PM MANIFEST BF_LOADRATIO=0.0 7 10/11/15 9:52 PM MJC CRRBF1594I: Step Set Server (491edd710c7310009c69b1ec1859534b) started. 8 10/11/15 9:52 PM STEP CRRBF9999I: .bset 'selector ${SERVER_H}'. 9 10/11/15 9:52 PM EXEC Step cancelled via Management Console.