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When adding a .SLN to RTC "An error occurred registering this project with source control."

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Oct 09 '15, 1:06 p.m.
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has seen this behavior.

Today we took a .NET project from Team Foundation Server and placed it into RTC.

When we tried to open the .SLN:

1. I set the source control from TFS to jazz source control. But if I open the solution file, it still prompts me to connect to the TFS server. I select no, then my choice is offline. When I check the source control, it switched back to TFS by itself.

2. On another machine, at source control selection, there is no
option for TFS, but only offline, or jazz source control. He set it
to jazz source control. When he try open the solution file. it pops up
this error:

"The project <project name> is under source control. An error occurred

registering this project with source control. It is recommended that
you do not make any changes to this project."

These two issues are related, but I'm not sure what should I change to solve it.

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Oct 22 '15, 12:35 p.m.
 Were any of the solutions shared with Jazz Source Control? Your first solution seems to have been shared with TFS, and has bindings into TFS, which is why it sets the Source Control to TFS. You need to disconnect from TFS and reshare using Jazz.

As for the second one, we need logs to see what the problem is. Please open a defect and attach the logs. has a button to Submit a bug.  tells you how to set trace levels.


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