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How to bulk import of CSV files into DNG?

Nadra Rafee (45927) | asked Oct 25 '18, 7:45 p.m.
retagged Dec 21 '18, 4:27 a.m. by Minakshi Jaint (5113)

Using DNG 6.0.6, I would like to check how to perfom bulk import of a set of CSV files (of the same format) into DNG & kick start from the web interface.
Need to specify in the folder where the files are located, the DNG folder to import into, in the command.


Nadra Rafee commented Jan 03 '19, 2:19 p.m.

Minakshi .. I am afraid the link is not working.

Nadra Rafee commented Jan 03 '19, 2:20 p.m.

Found a way to paste multiple files into DNG as attachments, not as artifacts.

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