How to see boundAttribute tag in RDNG 6.0.1M1
Hi, in my project as menioned here
I see <rm:boundArtifact
but when I change my project this tag disappear. How can I enable
1. For for the project?
2. Per request?
PS. I wrote that if you add DoorsRP-Request-Type private to the GET request it will be returend, but as aforementioned I did not specify it and I can see it, but whn I change the project I can not see it. I tried with DoorsRP-Request-Type private but I doesn't see boundArtifact.
I see <rm:boundArtifact
but when I change my project this tag disappear. How can I enable
1. For for the project?
2. Per request?
PS. I wrote that if you add DoorsRP-Request-Type private to the GET request it will be returend, but as aforementioned I did not specify it and I can see it, but whn I change the project I can not see it. I tried with DoorsRP-Request-Type private but I doesn't see boundArtifact.
One answer
Hi @Donald Nong If I try:
I recieve:
I recieve:
<rdfs:member> <oslc_rm:Requirement rdf:about=""></oslc_rm:Requirement> </rdfs:member> <rdfs:member> <oslc_rm:Requirement rdf:about=""> <rm:boundArtifact>"_ga4pUUZ5EeWL2aNIq4SA-w"</rm:boundArtifact> <rm:boundArtifact rdf:resource=""/> <rm:boundArtifact><rdf:RDF
But this workaround is not what I want. When all(*) attributes are listed the boundArtifact is not here ,but when it is specially selected it is there, probably it wants special attention.
Donald Nong
Oct 06 '15, 2:17 a.m.I see the same symptom in my sandbox (6.0.1 M4). Not sure what's going on here.
Dinyo Dinev
Oct 06 '15, 3:15 a.m.@Donald Nong, if this can easy you, with the same version of the RDNG and with the sample project WaterMeter "boundAttribute" was returend but with my production project imported from the Doros 9.5 does not work. It can be some configurations problem.
Donald Nong
Oct 07 '15, 1:39 a.m.I can see the same symptom - the Automatic Meter Reader sample project does show the boundArtifact property while others not. I'm as puzzled as you are.