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How do you fix a "Crash Detected" problem when loading a stream using RTC on Mac OSX ?

Jeff Ong (14113947) | asked Sep 25 '15, 2:18 p.m.
One of our users is having issues running the RTC client on Mac OSX.  Please read on ...

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_80"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_80-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.80-b11, mixed mode)

Downloaded and tried multiple versions of RTC client from   (last one i tried , 4.0.2 / 3/ 4/5/6 ).

I get connection to server streanms flow with all good. When i  attempt to load the streams
i get a window tells "Crash Detected" And forces me to run Repair , i do  , but it then goes out of sync
need to sync when i run sync the it crashes so  i circle around ..

I tried multiple versions of RTC all fails same way.

How I run RTC :
unzip downloaded zip
browse to eclipse dir
choose  under jazz/client/eclipse/

this is how i run it.

Could you please tell me how to solve this problem . Same client on linux works like a charm.

Kevin Ramer commented Sep 25 '15, 2:45 p.m.

This article speaks to the JRE on MacOS

v4 of client may not play well with Java 1.7 ( guessing ). 

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Chris McGee (50511117) | answered Sep 30 '15, 3:10 p.m.
In order to effectively diagnose the problem we first need to check whether you are on a supported configuration.

Rational Team Concert 4.0.7 supports Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Lion only. Please check to make sure that you are running on supported version of OS X or upgrade to a newer RTC to support the newer OS X.

The Oracle JDK 7 is supported in RTC 4.0.7, 5.0.2 and 6.0 so that should be fine. Can you check that this is the Java that is being used for the Eclipse Client. Sometimes it picks up other/older versions of Java on your system. You can check this in Eclipse->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Configuration (java.version, java.vendor).

If the problem persists in a supported configuration then you can raise a defect against Rational Team Concert or contact IBM support to diagnose the problem.

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