Purpose/use of DNG changelogfeederrors
I noticed that its starting to fill up with a number of .csv files and dirs.
My only real concern on this is that it may fill up the disk space if it does not get periodically flushed which JAZZ may do but I just don't know.
Accepted answer
Although I could not find specific information on the purpose of the rm/changelogfeederrors directory, examination of the information in (3) of the csv files shows a path to rm/changelogs/<URI> and a date/timestamp. The assumption is the date is the date and time of the issue or "error" and, it appears from research, that the path is related to a storage area (the URI?).
The subdirectories in the changelogfeederrors directory are empty.
If the users are not reporting and/or consistently encountering errors or problems, there seems to be no harm in removing the contents of this directory. The information in the csv files seem to be of no value even if there are problems reported by the users.
I welcome all feedback if your experience differs from the conclusions provided herein.
One other answer