How to find a baselines of component belonging one specific stream?

I was able fetch component handles inside the specific stream. I know baseline name , I want to find whether that baseline belongs to this stream or not.
Please mention RTC Plain java API to do it programmatically.
Or consider scenarios where for a particular component inside a stream ,I have created many baselines for component in same stream , so now I want to fetch all baselines created inside this stream for that component.
One answer

Take a look at IWorkspaceManager#findBaselines - you can use it to get a list of baselines in the context of a component. Just create and set the IBaselineSearchCriteria object with the appropriate information first.

@DJ Houghton
Is there a Possibility to restirct baselines to a particular Stream, component with the IBaselineSearchCriteria,coz I find only option set for component and not for stream.

@DJ Houghton, @ey Clemm
I did not find the correct approach yet. Can you please guide me more clearly that how to find baseline of a component pertaining to a particular stream.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 11 '15, 9:48 p.m.Note that the baselines that will be returned will be both the baselines that have been created in the stream, as well as the the baselines that have been delivered to that stream.