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How to obtain RPE schema for DNG User Interface Parts?

Dave Remmel (2527) | asked Aug 28 '15, 1:25 a.m.
Working with RPE Studio developing report templates, I am trying to discover the schema for UI Parts in DNG 4.0.4 (yes, I know it is old) using https://...../part?metatdata=schema in a web browser.  I have tried many various words in place of "part" with no luck. (resources, text, uisketches, ... do work)   I don't see any reference to "Parts" in the Rational Requirements Composer data sources  RRC Reportable Rest API documentation.    Is there a reason for this?  Perhaps it is undocumented or only exists in newer versions of DNG. Maybe it does not exist at all.  Any ideas or explanation?

Accepted answer

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Ivan Bravo (1762) | answered Aug 28 '15, 4:13 p.m.

Unfortunately, currently there is no schema available for UI Parts.
As you may already know the schemas provided for UI are usecasediagrams, uisketches, storyboards, screenflows and processes.

Dave Remmel selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Ivan Bravo (1762) | answered Aug 28 '15, 8:57 a.m.
Hi Dave

In this link you can get the list of the schema list provided by DNG.

Dave Remmel commented Aug 28 '15, 10:22 a.m.

Yes, I understand and have seen this list - I use it  when I develop RPE Templates.  However, a User Interface Part is not on this list, but it is an Artifact Format within DNG.  I can create a Part with the Parts editor.  I can link requirements to a Part.  Now lets say I want to get the individual Part displayed in a report.  To do this I would need the schema for Parts so that I can access the image(rendering) for this part.  Is there another way to do this?  Is the Parts schema missing?

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