How to print RM primary text of artifacts contained within a Module in the same order as the module in RPE
RM 4.0.3: Using DNG and RPE, I am unable to use view resource that is contained within a Module as a text?ViewURI data source. The Text?ViewURI datasource was only successful if used at the artifact level, not the view level, which then has no context to the Module we are trying to print via RPE. I can return the artifacts, but I have no way to sort them based on the Module section. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. RPE experience is limited, just trying to verify it can be done and how.
Am also interested in defining the data sources for generating a document based on a Module Baseline as well with same criteria as listed above.
One answer
Use the module schema with the https://server/rm/publish/modules?resourceURI=xxxxxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxxxxx is the uri of the Module to go through the resources ( in the correct order). Add container to RPE report to iterate over Module artifacts: datasource/artifact/moduleContext/contextBinding.