upload a new version of jpeg image
I have several artifacts for images (jpeg) included in modules, when I upload a new version of the image file, the artifact within the modules does not get 'updated' with the new image version immediately. It usually take a day or so to display the new image. If I open the artifact, the image is the updated one, but the view of the artifact within the module is the 'old' one. Is there anything I am missing? RRC version 4.0.5. Steps: Select module containing artifact jpeg file > open the individual artifact > edit > upload new version > Done. Reopen module > refresh > artifact with image still display old image. Open module new day > artifact displays new image version. Thanks.
Accepted answer
Hello Isabelia,
Are you using Chrome browser? If so, this is a known issue and was reported in RDNG 5.0.2. Note is not reproducible in RDNG 6.0.
If you are using Firefox browser, try refreshing browser cache in the module.
I hope this helps.
One other answer
On RDNG 6.0.6, I'm fine with this version. The problem was fixed when I switched to Firefox and restarted the browser; the image updated immediately. To speed up loading, pick a smaller image size use any online tool like https://jpegcompressor.com/ it helps to reduce the original image with compressed version.