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Deploy OOTB report resources into team area

swapna das (3324872) | asked Aug 21 '15, 11:09 p.m.
 Hi Team,
    I have created one project area PA1 under which I have created two team areas TA1 and TA2 in RTC. 
There are 'n' number of OOTB report resources deployed in my project area (PA1) , I want to deploy all the report resources in to my both the team areas (TA1 and TA2) . By using the option Reports->Report Resources ->Deploy New Report resource , I am able to deploy all the report resources into one team area(TA1).
But while I followed the same procedure to deploy the reports in TA2 , I am getting one pop message like "No New report resources were found"

Please help me.

Thanks in Advance,
Swapna Das

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 24 '15, 12:17 a.m.
This is expected. When you deploy a report resource, regardless into a project area or a team area, it is considered in the target project area anyway. When you deploy it to a team area, it only means that access to the report resource is restricted to the said team area (if not shared). You can switch the team area (or top of the team area - the project area) after the report resource is deployed - just open the resource and look at the top-right corner. If the resource is shared, I can't see any difference related to where it is associated.

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