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Where can I find logs on RTC user account creation and modification?

A S (58532) | asked Jul 20 '18, 1:02 p.m.

 I need to provide a proof of tracking user account creations and modifications in RTC.  Are there any logs created by default in RTC when I create or modify an account?

A S commented Aug 01 '18, 12:08 p.m.


Beuler!...... Beuler! ...... Beuler! .......

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Aug 01 '18, 4:22 p.m.

As far as I'm aware:  There are none.   One can find that members get added/removed from projects/teams by looking at the History of the project ( WebUI / Manage this Project / History ) or using Recent Events right-click action on Project Area in Team Artifacts in eclipse client.  

A S commented Aug 01 '18, 4:31 p.m.

Thanks Kevin.  Let me see if that history will suit the needs of the requester.  

In this time of tracking everything for security reasons, I expected that RTC would also have logs somewhere.  I hope someone else knows some niche location where I can find such logs.  I am a bit disappointed.

Kevin Ramer commented Aug 01 '18, 4:46 p.m.

Well, unfortunately the two approaches above are hard to "farm" for details.   Only the web ui can show the 'whole' history if one is patient or persistent enough to walk it end-to-end.

We've been using a home-grown application for requesting/approving access to Jazz Projects and that application records its activities in its own database and as an RTC work item.

I'm guessing that since Jazz can have many types of user registry, the developers didn't consider recording this at a level sufficient to gain details we'd like to have seen.

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